It's common for puppies to excited pee since they can't fully control their bladders. Until they mature, find out what you can do to stop excited peeing. 

How To Stop Your Dog From Excited Peeing

This is a photo of my precious toy Poodle, Gigi. She gets extremely excited when I get home. It doesn’t matter if I’m gone for five minutes or five hours, my little Gigi gets so excited to see me that she pees herself. She has excited peed on my carpet, on my tile, on my couch, and on my shoes. When we go for walks around the community, if she runs into my neighbor, she excited pees on her shoes too. Thankfully, my neighbor is a fellow dog mom and understands. It’s still embarrassing, though. If you have an overly excited fur baby, like mine, you’ve probably wondered how you can stop your dog from excited peeing. Well, you’re not alone!

You’ll be happy to hear that dogs usually out-grow this phase. It’s actually quite common for puppies under one year old to pee when they get overly excited because they don’t have full control over their bladders just yet. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help curb excited peeing!

Keep Greetings Low-Key (I Mean, Really Low-Key)

Baby talk, kisses, and big hugs… are you guilty of riling up your easily-excited dog when you first get home? Since excited urination typically happens during greetings, try to keep them as low-key as possible. 

Here’s the routine that worked for me: After you walk into your home, ignore your puppy. I know how it sounds, but trust me. Since petting and eye contact are enough to get some wee-er squirting, when you first walk through your door, just walk past your puppy, grab his leash, calmly hook it up to his harness, and head outside. Once your puppy has gone to the bathroom, give lots of praise.

Ask Your Friends/ Family To Do The Same

When you’re having company over, walk your puppy right before they arrive. Then, as they come inside, ask your friends and family members to ignore Fido until he settles down. After a few minutes have passed, let them gently pet your pup. Make sure the delayed greeting is still low-key and calm.

Don’t Punish

While excited peeing may be annoying, don’t punish your dog for it. He doesn’t understand. He isn’t peeing in the house because he’s not house trained. He’s simply unable to control himself. 

– Good luck!

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