The anticipation of introducing your dogs to your newborn baby can be thrilling yet nerve-wracking. Here's what we did to ensure a successful first meeting.

How to Introduce Your Dogs to Your Baby 

The anticipation of introducing your canine kids to your newborn can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking. I get it! I recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Cailey. From the moment I got pregnant with Cailey, I thought about the day my furry family members would meet her. How would they react? Would they immediately love her? Would they bark at her? Would their excitement scare her? I felt a rush of emotions. So, naturally, I did a lot of research on how to prepare for the big day. I’m thrilled to report: The first meeting went even better than I had hoped. Here are the steps we took to ensure a successful first meeting between our dogs and our newborn!

Before Baby Arrives

Spend Lots of Time in the Nursery

Start familiarizing your dogs with baby-related items and spaces before your due date to help reduce anxiety. Leading up to Cailey’s arrival, my dogs spent ample time in her nursery. I encouraged them to explore every corner, from the sight of her furniture to the sounds of her musical toys chiming softly. They had the chance to sniff around for any new scents that would soon become a part of our daily lives. This proactive approach helped to create a sense of familiarity and comfort for my furry companions.

Practice Stroller Walks

Speaking of desensitization work, bring your baby’s stroller along for your next dog walk. This activity not only familiarizes your dogs with the stroller, but also helps them adjust to walking calmly alongside it. Begin by introducing the stroller in a positive and relaxed environment. Allow your dogs to sniff and investigate the stroller while offering treats and praise. Gradually progress to short walks around the neighborhood, focusing on maintaining a steady pace and encouraging good leash manners.

While You’re In the Hospital

Have a Family Member or Friend Introduce Your Baby’s Scent

Who will be watching your dogs while you’re in the hospital giving birth? For me, it was my mom. So, after Cailey’s arrival, I gave my mom a used swaddle, hat, and onesie with Cailey’s scent on it. She took these items home and immediately let my dogs sniff them. Wow – did they have a field day with the sniffing! I fully believe this made a huge impact and was a key part of the introduction process. Allowing our dogs the opportunity to sniff and familiarize themselves with these items in a calm setting helps forge a positive association with their new family member.

The Big Day: Meeting Baby

Physical and Mental Engagement

On the day you’re discharged from the hospital, try to enlist the help of a family member or friend. Again, for me, this was my mom. As my husband and I prepped to come home, my mom spent the morning working with my dogs. They went for a walk, played fetch in the backyard, and played with pet puzzles. The goal? To squeeze in some physical and mental stimulation … ultimately burning off excess energy. It’s like that old saying, “A tired dog is a good dog!”

Say ‘Hello’ to Your Dog First

After spending several days in the hospital, I knew my dogs would be overjoyed to see us. So, when we first arrived home, I had my mom stay outside with Cailey as my husband and I went inside to greet the dogs independently. This allowed the dogs to release any excitement without overwhelming the baby’s first moments at home. 

One-on-One Time with Baby

How many dogs do you have? If you have multiple, I suggest giving each dog their own time with the baby, allowing for a gentle and positive introduction. 

Since we have two small dogs, we tucked our Chihuahua, Diego, away in our bedroom while our toy Poodle, Gigi, had a chance to meet Cailey. Gigi LOVES babies. So, we were hopeful things would go smoothly … and they did! With Cailey still in her car seat, Gigi had the opportunity to sniff her little feet and hands. Cailey was calm through the entire process and it was clear Gigi was excited about the new addition to our family. Next, we brought our Chihuahua, Diego, into the room. Their greeting went smoothly … and I swear Diego acted like he had already known her. Perhaps it was because he recognized her scent from the previously sniffed swaddle and clothing?!

The anticipation of introducing your dogs to your newborn baby can be thrilling yet nerve-wracking. Here's what we did to ensure a successful first meeting.
Don’t Push Your Dogs to Engage with Your Baby

It’s crucial not to push your dog to interact with your newborn during the initial meeting. Instead, allow your dog to approach and leave the baby’s side at their own pace. This approach respects your dog’s individual comfort levels and helps prevent unnecessary stress or anxiety. 

Dogs, like humans, need time to adjust to new situations and individuals … especially when it comes to a tiny, unfamiliar human member of the family. Forcing interactions can lead to negative associations and potential behavioral issues. By letting your dog decide when to engage with the baby, you promote a positive and natural bond built on trust and mutual respect, setting the stage for a great relationship between your dog and your newborn as they grow and interact more over time.

Managing Excitement

Throughout the process, don’t scold your dog if they get a little too excited. Instead, redirect their attention. For us, I would ask my dogs to Sit and then follow up the command with verbal praise and petting. This helped maintain a calm environment and reinforced positive behavior around the baby.

Building a Beautiful Bond

By taking proactive steps and prioritizing gradual introductions, you will lay the foundation for a loving and respectful relationship between your dogs and newborn!